Thinklusive Inc leverages the power of information systems and availability of large international pool of Software Professionals to maximize our clients' competitive advantage. We combine our comprehensive understanding of a client’s business and industry with our cutting edge technology solutions and help them to succeed.
High-quality software development and an unwavering commitment to delivery are the Principles of Thinklusive Inc Software Development and Consulting services. These are the principles what separates us from typical IT consulting companies.
Every business application shares two common goals - solve business needs and perform as planned. At Thinklusive Inc, our goal is to Build and help our clients to Build these business Applications efficiently in a cost-effective manner there by maximize value for the organizations.
Have expertise in wide range of technologies including - VB, VB.NET, C++, C#, ASP, ASP.NET, JAVA, J2EE, Weblogic, WebSphere, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 UDB, Sybase, Business Objects, Cognos, DataStage, Informatica, TIBCO, Tableau, SAS, IBM Tivoli, EMC, ATG, CQ5, QlikView, iOS, Android, Interwoven, Windows, SUN Solaris, HP-Unix, VAX/VMS, Linux, etc.,